Home 5 Products 5 Finestay – Room Reservation System

Finestay- Room Reservation System

FineStay app has been specifically designed to meet hoteliers’ demands for effective booking management. It simplifies hotel booking operations while helping you utilize every opportunity to boost hotel revenue.


Fine stay is a mobile application that help your customers make bookings with greater ease. Finestay efficiently handles reservations from all your sources, providing best in class services to your customers. Also makes your check-in and check-out quick and trouble-free for individual and group hotel bookings.

From the owner’s point of view, you get access to vital information and data about your customers. The application can assist in improving your customer services and information about the discounts and other deals offered through notifications.

The audience can search for the accommodation by viewing the rooms more closely. It may contain the best offers, photo gallery, and status of the room, etc. Guests can instantly block their accommodation for the appropriate days by having an option to pay through different channels.

With this white labeled mobile application you will hold all the rights to use your application with your own brand name.

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